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Green Park 綠悠花園

While the egg-less Basil Smash is just as delicious, the foam top from egg white gives the drink a lovely, rounded mouthfeel.

Ingredients 材料

10 ml Fresh lemon juice 檸檬

1 Pasteurised egg white 巴氏殺菌*雞蛋白

* 蛋白選用包裝上註明經巴士德消毒過的雞蛋,可減低沙門氏菌風險

Garnish 裝飾

Basil leaf 羅勒/九層塔葉

Tools 工具

Glassware 酒杯

Steps 步驟

❶ Chill the coupe or martini glass and prepare garnish.


❷ In a shaker, add half the gin, then, using a bar spoon or a muddler, gently but firmly press the basil against the side of the shaker. This releases the fragrant oils of the herb, without the bitter chlorophyll.

於搖酒器中,倒入一半氈酒,然後用吧匙將羅勒輕壓, 釋放香味精油。

❸ Except for egg white & ice, add the remaining ingredients. Taste & adjust.


❹ Add egg white & ice then shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds until very cold.


❺ Remove the ice then strain the mixture back to the shaker.


❻ Dry shake even more vigorously, if you can, for about 25 seconds.

再次搖勻,約25秒 (這是 Reverse Dry Shake 的技巧)

❼ Double strain into the chilled glass.


❽ Place a gently flattened basil leaf on top of the foam as garnish and serve.


❽ Enjoy! Basil brings a delicate herbal bouquet to this smooth & fresh cocktail. Depending on the gin and type of basil used, this contemporary classic can take on an interesting spectrum of flavours.

Adapted from a 2011 recipe by Erik Lorincz.

Get the ingredients set here. 用白蘭樹下調製的Green Park超香!材料套裝方便購買


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