Sparkling Galaxy 閃光的銀河
Created by Jac for Cocktails Tuesday Class
Ingredients 材料
50-60 ml Butterfly pea infused Bacardi Rum 蝶豆花浸泡冧酒
10ml Pearly Passionfruit Syrup 閃亮熱情果糖漿
10ml Fresh pressed Ginger Juice 鮮薑汁
* To make Butterfly pea infused Rum, combine 250ml Bacardi rum and 7-8pcs Butterfly pea in a sterilized jar. Stir well and infuse 15min.
* 蝶豆花浸泡製作:將250毫升冧酒混合7-8片蝶豆花乾於一個已消毒及可密封的容器中,攪均並浸泡約15分鐘。
** To make Pearly Passionfruit Syrup, combine 1/4 tsp Edible shimmery powder and 200ml Passionfruit syrup.
** 閃亮熱情光糖漿制作:將1/4茶匙可食用閃粉加入200毫升熱情果糖漿即可。
Garnish 裝飾
Tools 工具
Glassware 酒杯
❶ Chill the coupe or martini glass and prepare garnish.
❷ Place all ingredients, except the Butterfly pea infused rum, into the shaker.
❸ Taste & adjust sweet-sour balance. Muddle again if you want a stronger ginger flavour.
❹ Fill the shaker with ice & shake well until chilled, about 7-10 seconds.
❺ Double strain into the chilled glass with a crushed ice.
❻ With the bar spoon, carefully pour the Butterfly pea infused rum over the back of the spoon just above the surface of the drink, creating a layer on top.
❼ Garnish and serve. Put the drink on the lighting coaster, Enjoy!
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